The Sigg Prize at M+

Last week, I put Uli Sigg back on camera for the inaugural Sigg Prize, the reincarnation of the Chinese Contemporary Art Award (CCAA) that he set up in 1997. The award has been “handed over” to M+, to also recognise artists from Greater China. I got him to reflect on the process thus far.
I love making films this way, documenting important milestones as they occur, and not trying to force the story to fit commissioners’ timelines. The last time I shot in Hong Kong was shortly after the Umbrella Revolution in 2014. I also asked Lars Nittve and Pi Li to comment about changing political conditions in Hong Kong.
The camera has been rolling since 2012 for the documentary feature, China’s Art Missionary. I show as I make the film. In it, I follow Uli Sigg’s journey in putting his personal art collection (he calls it a historical document) in the custody of M+ , a public institution based in Hong Kong. M+ will open next year.
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