Jun 21, 2017
Film Screening at Twitter
Had a great time screening Uli Sigg's China's Art Missionary and discussing passion pursuits in film with young women (and men) in tech...
Jan 19, 2017
Screening in Singapore
It was a full house at the private screening yesterday in Singapore, initiated and organised by art superwoman Henny Scott and Guy. Part...
May 23, 2015
Screening in Singapore
The private screening of China's Art Missionary and The 24-Hour Art Practice initiated and organised by Cheo Chai-Hiang and Cecily Cheo...
Feb 2, 2015
2 film cancellations within 10 days
A PERSONAL NOTE FROM THE FILMMAKER The cancellation and postponement of public screenings in Singapore (Jan 23) and Indonesia (Feb 3)...
Jan 24, 2015
Cancellation of film premiere at the Singapore Art Museum
The premiere of The 24-Hour Art Practice slated for 24 Jan, 2015 in Singapore has been cancelled. Kindly watch this space for updates....